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Bridal Club Magazine

Insider's Guide to Hen's Nights

The secrecy surrounding the planning of a Hen's night usually means that you have very little input, but here is how to get the night you want: simply ask for it! Your maid of honour and those responsible for planning your night will be more than happy with suggestions coming from you. It is how you introduce your suggestions that will make them feel they are still in control.

The trusted online poll comes to mind where you answer questions. Search round and find some fun polls on the internet. You will find many sites that allow you to create and send your own poll too if you can not find the right one for your plan.

Make a list of questions that will show your preferences and choices for a perfect hen's night. Also include what you really do not want like a stripper as old as your dad. Answer all the questions and then forward this via your friend's address to all your friends as one of those quick answer fun things to do. Your answers will be studied for clues - guaranteed. This way your friends know what you want and can plan ahead with their 'secret' information.

Question suggestions for your poll:


  1. I prefer a night without alcohol. Yes/ No
  2. Public bars are out of this world choices. Yes/ No
  3. Beauty spa for a day? Now you are talking! Yes / No
  4. Loud music and lots of dancing please. Yes / No
  5. Fun outfits with a theme are just great. Yes / No
  6. Public transport means we can have a party without fear. Yes / No
  7. Gifts should be cash towards my honeymoon. Yes / No
  8. Invite the boys along? Yes / No
  9. My co workers are not my friends. Yes / No
  10. Tea and cake with loads of roses and style. Yes / No

Creating such a fun poll you not only discover yourself what you actually will enjoy most, you also tell others in a nice way what will work for you and what not.

Here are a couple of things not to with this:

  • Do not make this a serious list that takes away the spontaneity of those planning your event.
  • Do not sound like a dominatrix that is laying down the law - keep it fun and light hearted.
  • Do not analyse every answer from your friends to see if they differ from you. They will and that is why we are such an interesting species.
Most Importantly, Enjoy


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