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Bridal Club Magazine

Oh No! The Wedding Speech

Your palms are sweaty. You can hear your heart beat in stereo. Your voice is shaking while you speak (or so you think) , and you've broken out in a cold sweat. No you're not talking to the man or woman of your dreams for the first time, its public speaking. Public speaking makes most people very nervous, so when asked to be the maid of honor or best man, he or she may panic. But never fear help is here. Tell them not to panic, they will be able to deliver a great speech, because they are about to discover the secret to great public speaking. The secret is caring about your subject. If you truly care about the subject you are talking about, then you can keep the interest of your audience because they will be captured by your passion for the topic. That is why writing a speech for a special event like a wedding is very easy for those close to the bride and groom.

Here are some tips to writing a speech that will have guests mesmerized. And no, you're not going to reveal all the bride and grooms embarrassing moments. Ok, maybe one or two, but don't go crazy.

First, here are some tips to get you started:

1. Take time to think about what you want to say. Think about what you want people to know about your friend and his new wife and what you wish for their future.

2. Sit down and write it out. ( You don't have to carry it with you to the wedding, but writing it down will help you remember what you want to say)

3. Let your guard down. Don't be afraid to let your emotions show. This is one of your good friends, if not your best friend, its ok to cry.

4. Put a little bit of your personality into the speech. Let your word reflect who you are and how you feel that day!

5. Practice your speech in front of people that you feel comfortable with and ask them for their honest opinion.

6. Keep it short! Your speech should be between 5 and 10 minutes.

The first step to writing a good speech for a special event or anything is to know your subject. You already have this down because you are probably close with either the bride or groom. Start your speech with one of your favorite memories of the time spent together. This memory can be sentimental or funny, but nothing too embarrassing. Remember only share information appropriate for all ages. The next step of your speech is to reflect on the history of the happy couple. Recount a short story of how they met and how the relationship has affected the both of them positively.

And finally, since we want to keep the speech short, let everyone know how you feel about the happy couple and wish them success in their marriage. You could let the happy couple know that you hope that they have success in their marriage and that no matter what happens between them, they can work it out. Another idea is that you could call upon all guest to work as a community to keep the happy couple together, because sometimes outside forces have a great impact on marriages. The last thing that you do is raise your glass and salute the bride and groom. You're done, and it's over! Take a deep breath and have that glass of champagne.

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